Thursday, June 27, 2013

Atta Galatta

This is a space recently discovered by a very dear friend, and therefore it cascaded towards me. My friend, M, even gave my e-mail address to the staff there, as I was not with them the first time. He thought I would love it, and boy,was he right.

It is a beautiful place, space,entity. A space of silence, quiet, meditation and peace.

It is a bookshop cum cafe, with only Indian writing both in English and in regional languages as well. A home converted into a beautiful space, Atta Galatta resounds with positive vibes, sincere love, and warm hearted people who love sharing their space with others. You can feel it,even when you run your hands through their brick walls. You know at once, that it is a space created with love,commitment and care.


This is a small titbit of how Atta Galatta looks:). However you have to pay a visit to feel what you have to feel, and to see what you have to see.

Oh, and there is filter coffee,tea,cup cakes, mini burgers, juices etc, for your gastronomic needs.

Musicians,artists, writers, hobos,hippies, storytellers, actors, comedians, magicians, philosophers, just listeners, just lookers, old,young, urban,rural, it is a place,for all.

I love it, and hope you do too:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You forgot to mention THE NIMBU PAANI... :)