Monday, July 30, 2012

Random Kind Acts

Have you ever thought about leaving a thick bar of chocolate on a strangers desk at university, wishing him a beautiful day, or just smiling at a classmate you don't speak to normally and bidding him/her good morning?

There are so many little random acts that you can do to make an entire day absolutely beautiful for another human being.These are things that we do not often think about, and happiness is looked at as something that takes a great deal of energy and work to achieve, but no. It's simple as smiling at another person first thing in the morning .It gives you so much of positive energy to work with, it helps you deal with all different stimuli that comes your way and most of all it gives you strength as a human being which is a wonderful thing.

One gets to hear heart warming stories of things people do all around the world to make that someone else happy. Strangers, giving another stranger a random warm hug, offering care packs to the homeless, paying for the coffee of the person behind you in a line, and so much more. It's all about appreciating one another and valuing the humaneness in each and everyone of us.

It is an amazing feeling to watch another person smile, enjoy a chocolate first thing in the morning, and to know that only a simple bit of kindness was needed. I realized that when you are kind to others, you only become more kind towards your self and you begin to value your self for what you really are. 

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